Waste Hauler

FAQs and permit processing time savers

Anyone that transports oil and gas waste for hire and for disposal by any method other than by pipeline off a lease, unit, or other oil and gas property.

Yes. If the waste is being transported off the lease where it was generated, a waste hauler permit is required.


Contact the Texas Department of Transportation Motor Carrier Division at their toll free number at 1-800-299-1700 or their website at http://www.txdot.gov for information.

To get a waste hauler permit, you must have an active P-5 Organizational Report on file with the Commission, and you must file the Form WH-1, Form WH-2, and provide the $250 application fee. If you have questions about the application or forms, you can call 512-463-7371 to speak with the Waste Hauler Representative.

No. You must file a Form WH-1 and a Form WH-2. You must also file a Form WH-3 if you wish to dispose of oil and gas waste at disposal systems other than the following:

  • Disposal systems operated under authority of a minor permit issued by the Commission; and
  • Disposal systems permitted by another state agency or another state.

There is a non-refundable fee of $100 that must be filed with each new permit application and permit renewal application.
EFFECTIVE MAY 1, 2012, A SURCHARGE OF 150% HAS BEEN IMPOSED ON THE APPLICATION FEE to implement the provisions of Senate Bill 1 (82nd Legislature, First Called Session, 2011), which mandated the Commission impose reasonable surcharges on Commission fees.

Accordingly, for applications received on or after May 1, 2012, the total application fee will now be $250. Make checks payable to: RAILROAD COMMISSION OF TEXAS For information on the surcharge, click here.

There is a non-refundable fee of $100 that must be filed with each permit amendment application to change the operator name.

EFFECTIVE MAY 1, 2012, A SURCHARGE OF 150% HAS BEEN IMPOSED ON THE APPLICATION FEE to implement the provisionsof Senate Bill 1 (82nd Legislature, First Called Session, 2011), which mandated the Commission impose reasonable surcharges on Commission fees. Accordingly, for applications received on or after May 1, 2012, the total application fee will now be $250.

Make checks payable to: RAILROAD COMMISSION OF TEXAS. For more information about the surcharges, click here.

There is no fee to delete or add a vehicle(s), or delete or add a disposal system.

You may pay by check or money order payable to “Railroad Commission of Texas”.

Yes. Complete and file Form P-5, Organization Report, along with the appropriate financial security. You can download the form from the Commission’s website, or by contacting the P-5 department at 512-463-6772 or [email protected]. Only the P-5 department can answer questions concerning the Form P-5.


The Commission has 30 days from the date the application is received to give written notice to you indicating that either the application is complete and accepted for filing, or the application is in complete. If the application is complete, the Commission has another 15 days to complete the final review. Filing a complete application helps us shorten the application processing time.

No. All applications must contain an original signature.

  • File application early in your planning stage.
  • File complete application.
  • Make sure that Form WH-1, Form WH-2 and Form WH-3 each contain an original signature.
  • Have an active Form P-5 on file with the Commission. Waste Hauler Frequently Asked Questions and Permit Processing Time Savers Revised September 2012 to Edit Question 5 Revised April 2012 to Edit Questions 5, 7, and 8 Revised December 2010 to Add Question Numbers 23 and 24 Original Document November 2010
  • Make sure that the hauler completes Part I of the Form WH-3 and the system operator completes Part II of the Form WH-3.
  • Be aware that the system operator on Form WH-3 must have an active Form P-5 in order for authority to be issued to haul to the disposal/injection system(s).
  • Be aware that the system operator on Form WH-3 must be the current system operator as identified on the Form P-4 for authority to be issued to haul to the disposal/injection system(s).
  • Be aware that non-commercial disposal wells can only be added to a waste hauler permit if the hauler includes with the Form WH-3 a letter stating that only waste that will be hauled to that disposal system is waste originating from wells belonging to the owner of that disposal system.
  • Avoid filing duplicate Forms WH-3. The waste hauler should file the Form WH-3.
  • File all Forms WH-3 at the same time when requesting to amend a permit to add disposal systems.
  • Make plenty of copies of permit to keep on hand at office so that each vehicle will have a permit to carry.



The new operator must file Form WH-1, Form WH-2 and Form WH-3.

Generally, the number may be kept the same. However, if the permit has been inactive for two years or greater a new number must be assigned.

Draw a line through any vehicle you no longer use on your Permit Attachment A, Waste Haulers Vehicle Identification. Complete and submit a new Form WH-2 for any new vehicle you wish to have added.

Draw a line through any disposal/injection system you no longer use on your Permit Attachment B, Approved Disposal/Injection Systems. Complete and submit a new Form WH-3 for any new disposal/injection system you wish to have added.

The Commission’s Austin office will mail a renewal notice to you approximately 60 days before your permit expires. The notice will include a pre-preprinted Form WH-1, lists of approved vehicles and approved disposal/injection systems, and instructions on the renewal process.

No. As required in § 2001.054(b) of the Texas Government Code, the permit remains in effect if your renewal request is received before the permit expiration date and the Commission has not yet acted on the application.

It is not always necessary to call for the status of your application. If you do call, be prepared to provide the operator name, permit number if assigned, and reason for calling. In addition to providing this information in any telephone message, also include your phone number and email address. The phone number for any waste hauler questions is 512-463-7371. You may also contact a Waste Hauler Representative via email at [email protected]
