Notice to Gas Utilities: Annual Reports Available Online

January 16, 2015

The Distribution, Transmission and Gathering Annual Reports are now available for download from the Railroad Commission of Texas website under “Download Distribution, Transmission and Gathering Annual Reports”.

Effective January 2015, the Railroad Commission of Texas (Commission) will no longer send hard copies of the Annual Reports to gas utilities to complete and return. However, gas utilities will continue to receive a hard copy letter from the Commission outlining the Annual Report process and requirements. In addition, information outlining the process and requirements are available on the Commission website.

Gas utilities are required to complete and return a hard copy (completed electronically or legibly in black ink) of the 2014 Annual Report to the Commission no later than April 1, 2014. The Company ID No. should be referenced on the Annual Report Cover Page prior to submission to the Commission.

Failure to file this report timely may result in civil penalties. To request a thirty-day extension beyond the April 1, 2015 submission deadline, a gas utility must submit a request in writing stating the reason(s) the deadline cannot be met via U.S. Mail ATTN: Edward Abrahamson, Railroad Commission of Texas, Utility Audit, P.O. Box 12967, Austin, Texas 78711-2967.

For general questions concerning the Annual Reports, contact Pearl Rodriguez at [email protected] or 512-463-7027.

To request a hard copy of the Annual Report, contact Rebecca Salazar at [email protected] or 512-463-7022.
