NTO - Multiple Active Organization Report Renewals and Statewide Rule 15 Compliance

March 01, 2024

Effective April 1, 2024, operators that have had their Organization Report (Form P-5) denied by the Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC) using a Final Order due to 16 Texas Administrative Code §3.15 (Statewide Rule 15) non-compliance, will be required to comply with all outstanding requirements for the previous renewal year before they are eligible to renew their Form P-5 for the current renewal year.

The path for achieving compliance, related to surface equipment removal requirements and inactive wells, is as follows:

  1. comply with all Statewide Rule 15 obligations for the previous renewal year;
  2. refile the Form P-5 for the previous renewal year that was denied by Final Order and pay the filing fee again;
  3. ensure that valid financial assurance has been filed for the previous renewal year;
  4. submit a Form P-5 for the current renewal year along with the filing fee payment; and
  5. provide valid financial assurance for the current renewal year.

NOTE: This change only affects operators that have had their Form P-5s denied by a Final Order for Statewide 15 non-compliance and have gone into the renewal cycle for the next year.

If you have questions regarding this notice, contact the P-5 Financial Assurance section of the RRC’s Oil and Gas Division at [email protected] or 512-463-6772.

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