Notice to Operators - Required Reporting Pursuant to Rule 3.66 In Effect

September 06, 2023

The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) has issued an Energy Emergency Alert.  Weather conditions currently meet the definition of a Weather Emergency as defined in Commission rule 16 Tex. Admin. Code § 3.66 (“Rule 3.66”).

Operators under the Commission’s jurisdiction that are subject to the weatherization requirements of Rule 3.66 are hereby on notice that reporting is required during the duration of the Energy Emergency Alert.  Reporting of the following events is required until ERCOT retracts the Energy Emergency Alert: (1) Weather-Related Forced Stoppages; (2) Major Weather-Related Forced Stoppages; and (3) stoppages caused by loss of electricity.  See Rule 3.66(b) for the definitions of a Weather-Related Forced Stoppage and a Major Weather-Related Forced Stoppage.  Reporting requirements can be found in Rule 3.66(f).

Reporting of the aforementioned events shall be sent to the Critical Infrastructure Division notification portal RRC Online at and if applicable, through the Critical Infrastructure Division’s toll-free emergency phone line at 844-773-0305.  Please refer to Rule 3.66 for the appropriate notification method.

Operators subject to Rule 3.66 should remain prepared to maintain operations during the duration of the Energy Emergency Alert.

If you encounter any issues, contact the RRC through the toll-free emergency phone line at 844-773-0305 or email the RRC at [email protected].

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