RRC Launches Online LPG Exams and Expands Online Training Courses

October 02, 2020

As a part of its jurisdiction to provide training and licensing to individuals working in the alternative fuels industries, the Railroad Commission of Texas will offer employee-level online examinations for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), commonly referred to as propane, certification beginning October 19. In addition, the RRC will host its first requisite training course for initial certification online October 2. RRC started offering online training for continuing education in March when stay-home orders were issued due to COVID-19. The agency will continue to expand the online exams and training courses offered as the program develops.

Online LPG Exams

To take the online LPG exams, each person must register separately for the exam event and complete their registration at least 7 days in advance of the exam. The registration process has several steps, including paperwork that must be submitted before the 7-day deadline.

The online exams are being offered for the following LPG certifications:

  • Bobtail Driver;
  • Service & Installation Technician;
  • Transport Driver;
  • DOT Cylinder Filler;
  • Motor/Mobile Fuel Dispenser;
  • Recreational Vehicle Technician; and
  • Appliance Service & Installation Technician.

For information on the online exams, including dates, participant requirements, registration and study guides, visit the RRC Alternative Fuels Safety LPG Training Exams web page.

Online Training Courses

2.1 Dispenser Operators is the first online training course offered by the RRC in addition to continuing education courses made available in March this year. This course is intended for new certification applicants or current certification holders looking to complete continuing education credit.This course covers proper filling and handling of American Society of Mechanical Engineers motor/mobile fuel containers, appurtenances, U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) cylinders, and dispenser operations.

The DOT Cylinder Filler and Motor/Mobile Fuel Dispenser exams will be offered in conjunction with this online class. When registering, individuals will choose one exam, or both exams.

The 2.3 Bobtail course is expected to be offered online beginning in December.

For information on the online training course, visit the RRC Alternative Fuels Safety LPG Training Classes web page..


If you have any questions, contact the RRC at [email protected].
