General Information on Filing Forms

Most of the forms are available in PDF format and can be viewed with Adobe Acrobat Reader that is available for free from Adobe. A number of the forms are also provided in Microsoft Word format. Many of the Adobe PDF forms are offered in two PDF versions, either as a regular PDF Form or a PDF Fill-in Form. PDF and Word Forms must be downloaded, printed and manually completed. Fill-in Forms should be downloaded to your computer and then opened and completed. All forms, regardless of format, must be printed, signed and mailed to the appropriate Railroad Commission Office(s). E-mailing of forms is not an option at this time. A number of the forms can be filed electronically through the RRC Online System.

Form instructions (usually printed on the backside of forms) are also provided for downloading if available in either PDF or Word format. The instructions are for your reference only and do not have to be mailed back to the Commission unless so stated on the form.

Printing and Filing Guidelines

  1. The quality of print, margins, spacing, structure and data field locations must closely resemble the Commission-designed form.
  2. Print with black ink from a laser or ink jet printer only; do not use dot matrix printers.
  3. Use a printer with high resolution (minimum of 300 dpi).
  4. White paper is to be used except for Form P-2 (light blue paper) and P-1B (light pink paper).
  5. If a form has data fields on both sides, the form must be filed as a two-sided form, not as two separate sheets.
  6. If using Fill-in forms, review the printed version before mailing to make sure that special characters like check boxes have printed correctly. If they do not, please try manually checking boxes or use the PDF Image version of the form instead of the Fill-in Form.
  7. Review the form for completeness and correctness and sign the form before mailing it to the appropriate Commission Office(s).
  8. For forms that are formatted with shaded areas, the shade setting should be set to 25% or less. Darker levels of shading may obscure data when the form is printed or permanently stored.

The Website Forms Library is continually being expanded with the addition of new forms. If the form you need is not available on this page, please check back later. You may obtain copies of forms at any Railroad Commission Office, or by calling(512) 463-6882 or e-mailing [email protected]. Click here for help and instructions regarding PDF fill-in forms
