Rule 15 Inactive Well Master Orders

Hearings Division's Rule 15 Inactive Well Dockets


This Master Order regarding the Hearings Division's Rule 15 Inactive Well Dockets is usually issued after each Railroad Commission conference. These items are posted with the Secretary of State, and can be found under the Consent Items portion of the Secretary of State's Agenda.

The Orders are provided in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF Format) PDF file.
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Inactive Wells Master Orders


Auxiliary Aids or Services for Persons with a Disability. Any individual with a disability who plans to attend any meetings and who requires auxiliary aids or services should notify the Commission as far in advance as possible so that appropriate arrangements can be made. Requests may be made to the Personnel Office of the Railroad Commission of Texas by mail at P. O. Box 12967, Austin, Texas 78711-2967; by telephone at (512) 463-6981 or TDD No. (512) 463-7284; by email at [email protected] or in person at 1701 North Congress Avenue, Suite 12-100, Austin, Texas.
