Gas Storage Reporting

Form G-3

All operators of underground storage facilities that store gas to supply a public utility must report the preliminary volumes (covering the 1st thru the 15th of the current month) and total volumes for the previous month of all gas injected and withdrawn, resident gas, native gas and total gas in storage for that reporting period as well as any changes to the maximum storage capacity, maximum injection rate/day and maximum withdrawal rate/day.

Who files: The Form G-3 (Gas Storage Data Sheet) is filed by the operator of underground gas storage facilities no later than two (2) working days after the 15th day of each month to the address on the form. 

Special filings may be required during periods of very high demand for gas supplies.  Storage facility operators will be notified when this occurs.

Information required on the data sheet: The Form G-3 covers volumes and rates for two periods:  preliminary, which are volumes injected and withdrawn from the 1st thru the 15th of the current month and final totals of gas injected and withdrawn for the previous month. Data for both is filed at the same time on the same sheet.  

  1. Facility location:  The RRC district no. and the county are those in which the storage facility is located. The facility name is that under which the facility is permitted, and the lease name(s) are those for the wells· which are assigned to the field in which the facility is located.  
  2. H-1 project number: The H-1 project number is the number assigned to reservoir storage. (If the storage facility is in a salt dome formation, a UIC number is assigned, instead.)  
  3. Maximum storage capacity: Maximum storage capacity is the known maximum capacity of the storage capacity.  
  4. Minimum pad: Minimum pad is the total volume of gas which will maintain the required rate of delivery during an output cycle.  
  5. Maximum injection rate/day & Maximum withdrawal rate/day: Maximum injection rate/day is the maximum volume of gas that can be injected on any given day under normal operating conditions while the maximum withdrawal rate/day is the maximum volume of gas that can be withdrawn on any given day under normal operating conditions.  
  6. Stored Gas Inventory (working volume): Working volume reflects injected/stored gas volumes immediately available to meet demand, excluding Resident Gas (see Sec. II) and Native Gas (see Sec. III).  
  7. Injected and withdrawn volumes: Volumes injected and withdrawn are to be split out by who retains title to the gas being stored: 
    1. the storage operator 
    2. a party affiliated with the storage operator 
    3. a non-affiliated third party. The term "affiliate" is to be read to include direct and indirect common ownership or control, joint venture, partnership, or other form of coordinated relationship. 
  8. Resident Gas Inventory (non-working volume): Non-working volume is the cushion or pad gas volume maintained/held in storage for operational purposes, excluding Native Gas (see Sec. III), and not available to meet demand. 
  9. Native Gas Inventory: Native gas volume as defined under Texas Natural Resources Code Sec. 91.173 (4) and required under Sec.  91.174 (A)(3), 91.175 and Commission Final Order, to be reported and accounted for by the operator of the storage facility.
  10. Total Gas in Storage: The sum of sections I, II, and III. The beginning balance (Sect I, Line 15) plus subtotal of gas injected (Sect I, Line 16e) minus subtotal of gas withdrawn (Sect I Line 17e) should equal total gas in storage). Sect I Line 18, "Ending balance of stored gas", should be calculated for both Preliminary and Final for proceeding month.


  • The volumes reported for both preliminary and final totals must be actual volumes.
  • You should not report less than zero gas in storage.

Annual Gas Storage Report

The Annual Gas Storage Report reports the injection and withdrawal of natural gas at facility permitted by the Commission on a monthly basis. 


  • All gas volumes are to be reported in MCF (thousand cubic feet).
  • Attach additional sheets for responses that exceed space provided.
  • In Box 12, the coded I.D. number is a unique nubmer assigned by the storage operator. The term "affliate" is to be read to inlcude direct and indirect common ownership or control, joint venture, paternship, or other form of coordinated relationship. The term "contracted volume" refers to the maximum contractural quantity available to the customer under the thype of the service being provided. For example: if the service is provided only as available, there will be no response in Box 12. If a rate is charged other than suggested in Boxes 12.f. through 12.i., please indicate that rate in Box 12.j. 
  • Sign and date form.
  • Deadline for submission is January 31st of each year. Please send your Annual Gas Storage Report to: 

G-3 Section, Oil & Gas Division
Railroad Commission of Texas
PO BOX 12967
Austin TX  78711-2967

  • For questions regarding completion of this form, please send an email to [email protected] or call 512-463-6792.

