Wednesday, October 20, 2021
10 a.m.
The Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC) will host a free webinar to inform and train industry and public on the Pipeline, Inspection, Permitting and Evaluation System (PIPES) portal.
RRC PIPES, which launched in July, allows pipeline operators to upload pipeline safety related reports, files, and payments. In addition, the public can go online and access documents in the RRC’s pipeline safety inspection process.
The webinar will cover a variety of topics, including overviews of:
- RRC’s Access Management Process (RAMP), which manages how authenticated users sign into and receive access to the portal and upload documents for filing in a docket to be reviewed for acceptance by the Hearings Division’s Docket Services; and
- RRC PIPES and demonstration of how authenticated users can submit plan of correction documents, the Form PS-48, Form PS-95 reports, integrity notifications and fee payments online.
Webcast Archive
To watch view the webcast archive, visit Texas Admin Monitor website at http://www.adminmonitor.com/tx/rrc/webinar/20211020/.
At the conclusion of the webinar, please share your comments on the event with us. Please complete the online evaluation available on the Alchemer (formerly Survey Gizmo) website at https://survey.alchemer.com/s3/6545252/RRC-PIPES-Webinar-Evaluation-October-20-2021.
Additional Information
For general conference inquiries or questions, email the Railroad Commission of Texas at [email protected].
Auxiliary Aids or Services for Persons with a Disability
Any individual with a disability who plans to attend any Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC) meetings and who requires auxiliary aids or services should notify the RRC as far in advance as possible so that appropriate arrangements can be made. Requests may be made to the RRC’s Human Resources Department by mail at P. O. Box 12967, Austin, Texas 78711-2967; by telephone at 512-463-6981 or TYY/TDD at 711 or 1-800-735-2989; by email at [email protected]; or in person at 1701 North Congress Avenue, Suite 12-100, Austin, Texas.